*This Text File Must Accompany All Distribution of This Program*
SHAREWARE AUTHORS, INC owns the exclusive rights to the sale and distribution of this program on CD-ROM and all other high capacity (over 2MB) media. All other such distribution is strictly prohibited. Shareware Authors Inc., P. O. Box 640876, Kenner, LA 70064 USA
Press Release for Shareware Authors Inc. &
MacExclusives(TM) Most Useful & Fun Mac Programs CD-ROM
(May 1, 1992) KENNER, LA -- Shareware Authors Inc. announced the upcoming publication of its first CD-ROM title as well as plans for a wide range of shareware author support services. Shareware Authors Inc. is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the shareware philosophy in the Macintosh world. The organization promotes the common good of Mac enthusiasts by sponsoring the upgrading of the best Macintosh shareware and freeware programs so that they remain compatible with new Macintosh models and system software releases. It also sponsors the creation of new shareware and freeware programs. Nearly all of the programs which participating SA Inc. authors release can be distributed through BBSs, online services, as well as by user groups on 800k or 1.44mb disks. However, many of the programs may only be distributed on CD-ROM discs by SA Inc., since it publishes the programs in this format so as to compensate the authors. A central registration hot-line is planned so that users of these programs can register the programs by phone with a credit card and inquire about upgrades.
What is most important is how SA Inc. supports Mac shareware authors worldwide. The majority of the profits from sales of SA Inc. CD-ROM discs are distributed to the authors themselves. No other publisher of shareware compilations on diskette or CD-ROM does this. SA Inc. also works closely with the National Home & School Macintosh User Group, a nonprofit corporation which distributes the programs of over 200 authors worldwide through information services and networks, as well as by US mail to over 50 Macintosh(R) user groups. SA Inc. also provides quality control testing and feedback (bug reports/suggestions) for its participating authors.
The first disc to be published by Shareware Authors Inc. is the MacExclusives(TM) - Most Useful & Fun Mac Programs CD. It is a compilation of over 150 of the most useful and fun Macintosh shareware and freeware programs -- checkbook manager to arcade game. Many of the programs are upgrades and new programs which can be included on no other CD-ROM disc. Also included on the CD is a large library of the latest demo versions of commercial Macintosh programs of all types. The CD also contains thousands of pages of Macintosh articles, reviews, and information via a collection of over 100 issues of publications such as Home & School Mac, RevUser, and TidBITS. The user interface is a modified and upgraded version of Digital Diversions Software Inc.'s acclaimed "Librarian" which provides descriptions, compatibility reports, and registration information about the programs, as well as the convenience to start most of the programs right from the "Librarian".
Availability: Early July 1992.
Suggested Retail Price: $49.00.
Price Direct From SA Inc.: $34.00 + $3.00 shipping/handling.
Outside the US & Canada include additional $4.00 for Air Mail postage.
Special rates available for user groups and educational institutions
US and Canada: Checks & Money Orders in US$
Other Countries: Checks & Money Orders drawn on US banks in US$
or an International Postal Money Order in US$
Shareware and freeware authors may mail their programs to the address below to be considered for inclusion on future discs. Additional information about Shareware Authors Inc.'s CD-ROM discs may be obtained by sending a request to one of the addresses below to be put on the SA Inc. mailing list: